- Oil samples taken from plant component in which are no circulation or in which are sludge, coal particle or other particle have been deposited. In this way the analysis can disclose greatly inflated carbon values. In the reverse case the analyzed oil can also be considerably less charged, because it was not in circulation. Then the analysis would disclose potentially too high flash points.
- If oil samples are not cooled sufficiently before removal there can readily volatile components evaporate and the analysis shows, for example, a high flash point. This may lead to dangers posed by a low flash point which are not recognized and so for example cause a fire.
- Hot oil samples may come in contact with atmospheric oxygen whereby oxidation occurs and cause organic acids in the oil. Again the assessment of adulterated oil samples lead to false conclusions.
- Hot oil samples are taken with inappropriate sampling containers which react, for example, with the sample liquid or contain traces of water or other substances, which also leads to incorrect analysis results.
Advantages of the sample cooler at a glance
- avoid unnecessary oil changes
- lower replenishment
- longer life of the heat carrier oils
- less downtime because impurities can be detected early and purification can occur early, during the plant operation
- increase energy efficiency by using less fuel and electricity demand
- reduced fire risk
- reduced risk of sedimentation
Technical data:
Connection nominal diameter: | 10 mm |
Allowable operating pressure: | 16 bar |
Housing dimensions: | 514 x 168,3 mm |
Operating temperature: | 350 °C |
Net weight: | 74 kg |
PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia
ITC Permata Hijau, Lantai 3 C11 No. 16,
Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama,
12210 Jakarta Selatan
Telephone: +62-21-53670749
Service: +62-812-82506215
Email: teknologi@maxxtec.co.id