Maxxtec provides spare parts specifically for heat transfer systems. We can give advice on which types to choose and what to look out for. From engineering to commissioning we rely on high quality parts to ensure safe operation. Some of the main brands we are working with are ARI Armaturen, KSB, Jumo, Igema, Honeywell, Weishaupt, Ray, Saacke, Allweiler, Afriso.
Thermal Oil Spare Parts
- Thermal Oil Pumps
- Circulation Pumps
- Fill- and Discharge Pumps
- Thermal Oil Valves
- Shut-Off Valves (bellow seal)
- Maxxtec Venting Valves
- Safety Valves
- Check Valves
- Drain Valves
- Strainers, Basketfilters
- Control Valves: Two-Way Control Valves, Three-Way Control Valves, Pneumatic or Electric Actuated
- Thermal oil instrumentation
- Flowmeters
- PT-100 Temperature Sensors
- Pressure Gauges
- Stainless Steel, Brass, Steel
- Copper Gaskets
- Gauge Valves
- Syphon Pipes
- Pressure Transmitters
- Programmable 2-Channel Controllers
- PID Controllers
- Safety Temperature Limiters
- High Temperature Float Level Switches
- PLC Systems
- Burners
- Liquid, Gaseous Fuel Burners
- Multi Fuel Burners, Single or Simultaneous Operation
- Monoblock, Duo block Burners
- Gas Train Instrumentation
- Compressors
Steam Boiler Spare Parts
- Water pumps
- Water Valves
- Shut-Off valves
- Maxxtec Venting Valves
- Safety Valves
- Check Valves
- Drain Valves
- Strainers
- Control Valves: Two-Way Control Valves, Three-Way Control Valves, Pneumatic or Electric Actuated
- Steam Boiler Instrumentation
- Level Electrodes
- Continuous Level Electrodes, Capacitive
- Safety Level Switches
- Transmitters
- Pressure Transmitters
- Safety Pressure Switches
- Level Gauges
- Temperature Sensors
- Pressure Gauges Stainless Steel, Brass, Steel
- Copper Gaskets
- Gauge Valves
- Syphon Pipes
- Programmable 2-Channel Controllers
- PID Controllers
- PLC Systems
- Level Electrodes
- Burners
- Liquid, Gaseous Fuel Burners
- Multi Fuel Burners, Single or Simultaneous Operation
- Monoblock, Duo block Burners
- Gas Train Instrumentation
- Compressors
Furnace Spare Parts
- Negative Pressure Transmitters
- Pressure Switches
- Ni-CrNi Temperature Sensors
- Grate Bars
- Air Control Flaps
- Pneumatic Actuated
- Electric Actuated
- Lambda Sensors, Oxygen Sensors
- Programmable 2-Channel Controllers
- PID Controllers
- PLC Systems
- Refractory
- Insulation Material
Biogas Spare Parts
- Pressure Gauges
- Pressure Transmitters
- Explosion Proof Instrumentation
- PLC Systems
- PID Controllers
- Programmable 2-Channel Controllers
- Burners
- Liquid, Gaseous Fuel Burners
- Multi Fuel Burners, Single or Simultaneous Operation
- Monoblock, Duo block Burners
- Gas Train Instrumentation
- Compressors
General Spare Parts
- Oil Sample Bottles
- Eccentric Screw Pumps
- Pneumatic Drives, Solenoid Valves
- Strainer filters
- And more.
PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia. ITC Permata Hiljau, Lantai 3 C11 No. 16, Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama, 12210 Jakarta Selatan. Phone: +62-21-53667587, Fax: +62-21-53667587